8-18 maggio 2013


Director: Andy Heathcote
Cinematographer: Andy Heathcote
Editor: Peter Hodges Producer: Andy Heathcote, Heike Bachelier
Country: United Kingdom Runtime: 01 hr : 37 min : 30 sec

Modern British dairy farms must get bigger and bigger or go under but Farmer Stephen Hook decides to buck the trend. Instead he chooses to have a great relationship with his small herd of cows and ignore the big supermarkets and dairies. The result is a laugh-out-loud emotional roller-coaster of a film, a heart warming tearjerker about the incredible bonds between man, animal and countryside in a fast disappearing England.

Andy Heathcote
Andy is an independent filmmaker based in Southern England. He initially studied photography, before training as an assistant film editor in London then completing an MA in Film Direction at the UK's Northern Film School and the Polish Film School.
Andy has also made several award winning shorts, among them ENGLISH GOODBYE and SOUND LIKE SUNLIGHT which played many film festivals around the world.
Heike Bachelier
Heike Bachelier studied philosophy and worked as a live television director before becoming a producer's assistant and then assistant to the managing director in a German film production company. Heike trained in international producing and script writing and became a producer, producing documentaries and developing scripts, before turning to directing. Heikeʼs debut feature film FEINDBERÜHRUNG (Enemy Engagement) won the PRIX EUROPA 2011 for best feature documentary. In 2011 her first book EIN GANZ NORMALER FEIND was published in Germany by Droemer. Heike lives and works as writer/director in both Germany and the UK.
Other Nominees for Best Documentary

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