8-18 maggio 2013
MIFF | 8° Film Festival Internazionale di Milano - Return to Tarawa / Steven Barber / Return to Tarawa

catalogo miff
9a Edizione - 2009 /
foto film

Steven Barber / USA / 2009/ 47 min

Academy-award nominee and Golden Globe winning actor Ed Harris narrates a documentary through which emerges the emotional look of the WWII veteran and author Leon Cooper. Cooper is leading a crusade to clean up piles of garbage mounting on Red Beach in Tarawa, hallowed ground where thousands of American marines lost their lives in one of the bloodiest battles in U.S. history. According to Cooper, \"The piles of garbage, such as plastic bags and bottles, food wrappers, soiled diapers, and other trash is continuing to pile up -- an insult to the memory of all who fought and died there for their country.\" He wants the U.S. government to clean up the area, restoring Red Beach to its pristine condition, as a permanent war memorial. For the past three years, he has been appalled by the lack of interest from U.S. government officials about the mounds of trash on the beach. He has tried repeatedly to get their attention on this important matter. Cooper has taken his personal mission to the political top brass in Washington DC, without much success. Only Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Henry Waxman have expressed interest in his cause.Earlier this year, Cooper made a return trip to Tarawa, meeting with public officials and local media there for the documentary, as he saw the gross neglect first-hand.

   Return to Tarawa
   Jay Miracle 
   Matthew Hausle 
   Dolby Digital

foto bio

Steven Barber is a documentary film maker from Santa Monica with a background in journalism and TV Production. Mr. Barber has just recently completed two features documentaries dealing with social issues. The first film, narrated by Dan Aykroyd (Blues Brothers front man) AMERICAN PARAPLEGIC deals with 28 disabled athletes that push their wheel chairs 267 miles in 6 days through the mountain passes of Alaska. Mr. Barber\'s second documentary, RETURN TO TARAWA , a poignant film about 89 year old WW 2 Veteran Leon Cooper, is being reviewed to the Discovery Channel and for the 2009 schedule. Furthermore he also completed his first loosely autobiographical novel, Below the Waterline. Mr. Barber is actively seeking funding and distribution for a reality Tv project called Mia Hunters that will seek to bring home missing service men from WWII. Mr. Barber is currently courting the famous TV producer Mark Burnett as producer of AMERICAN PARAPLEGIC.

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20137 Milano
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Email: info@miff.it
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orari: 10:30-13:30 e 15:30-18:30