8-18 maggio 2013

Silvia Silvestri
Born in Treviso February 22, 1988, Silvia graduated in 2010 from DAMS in Padua with a thesis on teatrocarcere. That same year she studied at the Venetian Theatre, a professional acting school where she obtained a complete artistic preparation: from the Commedia dell'Arte to the neutral mask, acrobatic movement, contemporary dance, singing, clown. Her main teachers were: Karina Aryutunian, Renato Gatto, Michael Modesto Casarin, Vladimir Granov, Toni Cafiero, Paola Bigatto, Daniele Salvo, J. S. Sinisterra. In 2011 she was chosen as co-star in a film by the New York-Catalan production called "La redempcio de los peixos" ("The Redemption of the fish"). Other cinematic experiences: appearance in Dennis Dellai’s film "Oscar" in the role of a prostitute, a role in a film by David Frankel (director of "The Devil Wears Prada) entitled" One Chance.” Silvestri also performed in advertisement for the regional channel “Ada Channel"-2012.

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