8-18 maggio 2013

Director: Olli Koivula
Country: USA
Producer: Adnan Hrustemovic, Amy Gossels
Cast: Al Thompson, Alfred E. Rutherford, Bryant Pearson, Jaime Lincoln Smith, Kamal Jones, La Rivers, Postell Pringle

14085 is the number of people killed by guns each year in the US. This film raises the question of how an individual's responsibility can act against criminal behavior and its consequences. In this film we meet several seemingly unconnected characters who are, however, actually interconnected via a gun that travels in a cycle between these various people and creates dangerous situations.

Olli Koivula
Olli Koivula is a Finnish director, whose passion for cinema started when he was 12 shooting short films with his friends with a VHS camera. Now, at 30, he is getting ready to shoot his first feature film this summer in New York and Paris. Olli has studied filmmaking in Finland and the U.S. and made short films in both; recently his short film 14085, has been screened at many festivals in Europe and the U.S. The film just got the Silver Palm Award at the Mexico International Film.

Other nominees in this category:
Regan Hall
Pedro Rivero
Roger Villarroya
Angelo Campanile
Lucas Mireles
Roberto Pérez Toledo
Bernardo Nascimento
David Moreno
Vicky Mather
Vlady Oszkiel

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